How You Can Work on Your Self-Esteem

<aside> 👉🏽 Using your strengths

Practicing gratitude – “3 Good Things Today”

Increase focus on positive things

Identifying OR changing your “core beliefs” about yourself

Identifying positive traits about yourself

Stop listening to your inner critic.


Contribute to society, random acts of kindness, do meaningful things


When you’re starting to feel inadequate or low, sit back and think about why you’re feeling inadequate.

On a piece of paper or in a journal, write down all the awful things you’re saying that are making you believe you’re inadequate.

On the other side of the page, write down a kind, compassionate (and ultimately more realistic) response to those criticisms.

<aside> 👉🏽 “You’re so fat and ugly,” could be replaced with “I have pretty eyes, clear skin and a straight, bright smile.”


<aside> 👉🏽 “You’re so dumb. You don’t even have a degree,” could be replaced with “I’m a really good writer, a fantastic photographer, and I could go back to school anytime I wanted to. I know I’d do really well because I have life experience now too.”


When your inner critic wants to start annihilating you, stop it in its tracks.

All of these beliefs may make us very anxious to avoid rejection and/or overly keen to seek validation from others

There are 3 types of negative beliefs we have about ourselves